Diana Gallegos, Ph.D. — Presentations and Workshops in Adaptive Yoga
February 22, 2014: I presented to the SE District of the Iowa Physical Therapy Association. My presentation was on opening yoga to everyBody and Adaptive Yoga for individuals with disabilities.
July 19, 2014: I presented at The Dystroglycanopathies Conference. The conference was held at the Sheraton Hotel, Iowa City, IA. This conference was for researchers, physicians, patients with muscular dystrophy and their families.

October 16, 2014: Professor Linda Bolton invited me to be a guest teacher for her University of Iowa course ‘Literature of the American Peoples: “Writing Trauma, Imaging Hope”. This course explores the discourse of trauma, as it is reflected in the personal, cultural and ecological realms, in order to ask how one might live creatively, and hopefully, in a time of such tremendous challenges. I discussed Matthew Sanford’s book ‘Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence’ and talk about adaptive yoga for disabilities as a mind-body approach to healing while taking the class through a yoga class.
April 18, 2015 1:15 – 2:30PM: I presented with Professor Linda Bolton at the Examined Life Conference at the University of Iowa. The University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine will host the ninth annual three-day conference focusing on the links between the arts and the science of medicine. My presentations was entitled ‘ Healing the Physical Body and the Inner Self: Yoga and Poetry as Arts of Healing’.
October, 2015 I was an invited guest teacher for Professor Linda Bolton’s University of Iowa course ‘Literature of the American Peoples: “Writing Trauma, Imagining Hope”. I discussed Matthew Sanford’s book ‘Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence’ and also presented about my experience as an adaptive yoga teacher for individuals with disabilities and using yoga as a mind-body approach to healing.
Marth 5th, 2016 Invited guest main speaker to open up the 2016 Eastern Iowa Adapted Sports Clinic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa – sponsored by the Unity Point Health—St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids.
April 23rd, 2016 Invited speaker for the University of Iowa’s Careers Outside of the Academy event. I presented on my career path and life passion of being an adaptive yoga teacher for disabilities.
March 2, 2017 I was an invited guest teacher for Professor Linda Bolton’s University of Iowa course ‘Literature of the American Peoples: “Writing Trauma, Imagining Hope”. I discussed Matthew Sanford’s book ‘Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence’ and also presented about my experience as an adaptive yoga teacher for individuals with disabilities and using yoga as a mind-body approach to healing as I took the class through a yoga class experience.
March 25th, 2017 Invited to teach yoga at the 2017 Eastern Iowa Adapted Sports Clinic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa – sponsored by the Unity Point Health—St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids.
April 13th, 2017 Invited guest teacher for the University of Iowa’s Dance Department yoga teacher training course taught by Professor Charlotte Adams. I presented on adaptive yoga for disabilities by sharing stories, information, and techniques on yoga for trauma and disabilities.
April 22nd, 2017 Invited speaker for the University of Iowa’s Open Doors Conference. I presented on my career path and life passion of being an adaptive yoga teacher for disabilities.
August 19th, 2017 Invited to present and teach an adaptive yoga class at The Dystroglycanopathies Conference. This conference was for researchers, physicians, patients with muscular dystrophy and their families. The conference was held at the Sheraton Hotel, Iowa City, IA.